This page contains information about all of the different races and species in the FineVerse notable enough to be listed.  Some of them are original, and some are obviously borrowed or inspired from existing media. Language of inspiration refers to the real-word language and/or culture I tend to reference when designing OCs and picking names for that race. It's also sometimes the language they actually speak (a fictional version of) in-verse.

About Magic

Magic in the FineVerse is directly related to, and caused by, a creature's soul. It's a central feature even of universes where 'magic' isn't widespread, since it's inherently built into the nature of mortals in general. For example, even if humans don't practice general magic in a universe, their supernatural willpower is still magical in nature since it results from their soul. For an in-depth explanation of magic in the FineVerse, as well as the mechanics of science, cosmology, and other nerdy stuff, you may refer to the Cosmology & Magic information page to learn all about it.


Fine Point, a unicorn stallion.

For detailed information about interspecies hybrids, see here.


Angel, a female human.


Jung Sun, a male griffin.


Giza, a male zebra.


Scorching Sands, a female ebette.


A donkey.


Jieshi, a male drake.


Umo, a male pisciquus.

For detailed information about pisciquus body language and emotion, see here.


Misty Veil, a female kaigu.

Kaigu have a unique physiology, in that their cheerful oblivious nature is actually essential to their survival. Since their magical body is maintained by their own positive emotions, a kaigu that experiences too much negative emotion begins to fade away, eventually leaving only their horns behind. Their horns are special in that they're seemingly indestructible, and are highly conductive of magic. Due to the sheer value of their horns, kaigu are often the targets of "poachers" in Equa, who are arguably more like murderers since despite their innocence, kaigu are in fact just as conscious as ponies (or humans). Unfortunately, local laws don't view it that way, letting many of them get off easy with only fines. Due to their wild upbringings and friendly demeanors, Kaigus are exceptionally accepting of other cultures, as well as extremely impressionable.

Kaigu naturally grow horns with spare soul energy. The resulting material is the only thing left behind should they disappear, and is seemingly indestructible. In addition, Kaigu are naturally affiliated with nature, and their soul energy leaks into nature giving it additional life and strength. Animals will only ever consider a Kaigu a friend or source of comfort, and plants will grow faster. 

Variable Magical Properties: Increasingly powerful nature affinity and durability/tolerance. A more powerful Kaigu has more of an impact on nature, and their capacity to experience negative emotions without disappearing also increases as their soul strengthens. Since their soul and body are the same, as the soul grows more durable, the Kaigu also grows more physically durable in return. 

Magical Costs: Emotional sensitivity. As mentioned, a Kaigu can only maintain its form through positive emotions, and negative emotions will begin to deplete its soul/body. To an extent, this means that Kaigu are naturally limited by their level of innocence, needing to be pure-hearted to exist. Note, though, that this doesn't mean kaigu are incapable of evil, just that they must not feel guilty about it, and must rationalize it in a way that they believe they're being helpful and/or being praised and/or appreciated for it. 


Kabuta, a female diwi.


Pairi Glitz, a non-binary feliquus from Dragontooth.


Bzlxtrx, a PmzOsian. (Credit to Val)

They're a species of large all-female warriors with the power to harness great internal energy to fly, shoot energy blasts, and grant themselves superhuman strength, speed and durability. Indeed, the PmzOsians are perhaps the strongest alien race in the universe, but the Mechanoids are close, and outnumbered them a million to one. It was only due to assistance from the half of the administrators and mechanoids who wished to preserve life that the PmzOsians were able to fend off the "exterminators" at all. Their culture is built heavily around battle, strength and honor being a PmzOsian's only aspirations.


Administrators don't have physical forms. This image is purely symbolic.


Turret, a mechanoid designed by Crow.

Some mechanoids are mass-produced in factories, and others must breed, it once again depends on the whim of the Administrator. Some are heartless, and some are full of love. Some are malicious, and some want nothing more than to help. 


Depiction of The Great Succubus of the Void, a God in Equa.

Worship compulsion refers to a primal instinct built-in to the mind and soul of every mortal which compels them to worship deities. It's a natural response to observing divinity. Any physical form of a god or God, whether it be a physical avatar or real form, appears to mortals with positive qualities which transcend mortal experiences. For example, their may be so beautiful the mortal can't even describe it, or their touch may feel so good they can only compare it to metaphors, etc. Anything about the god or God observed physically by the senses has this effect, and the mortal has an innate urge to worship and obey them. This can be suppressed completely or weakened by the god or God willingly with effort, and depending on the strength mortals with very high willpower may be able to resist the temptation. 

Another defining factor of deities is that they must be immortal or have the capacity to live forever. More abstract deities can live-on, even with all their forms destroyed, if the concept they embody still represents. For example, Albundir, the god of Knowledge and Pleasure, can have her physical avatars destroyed and rendered mostly useless, but her soul can never be truly destroyed so long as the concepts of knowledge and pleasure exist. 

Being a deity of any kind requires representing an idea, and having a role, either directly or indirectly, in the balance of a universe or other structure and the mortals within it. Abusing their divine powers could have serious consequences on the structure of the universe, or even their narrative as a whole. Therefore, there is an inherent risk cost in any deity exercising their full power of disrupting the balance they're apart of.