Basic Information
Played By: Fine Point
Name: Electromatter, The Font of Creation
Gender: Genderless
Age: Inapplicable
Height: 2 Yoctometers Individually, Infinite Collectively
Universe: 48
Classification: Sentient Extradimensional Energy Source
Powers and Abilities
Estimated Power Level: Varies, up to 2-A (Multiverse Level+)
Simplified Abilities: Higher Dimensional Existence, Electromatter Manipulation, Reality Warping, Matter Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Creation
Weaknesses: None Notable
Personality and History
Personality: Emotional
Background: An extradimensional sentient energy source. The iLah called it the Font of Creation, and used it to create the multiverse. It was renamed when discovered by Johnson, who called it "Electromatter" for its resemblance to blue electricity. The ability to control electromatter is what accelerated humanity rapidly into the futuristic age. When manipulated correctly, it acts as an almost endless source of energy, or a devastating weapon capable of erasing things from existence itself. Its capabilities are limited severely by humanity's ability to control it, but as that limit slowly fades humanity approaches unlimited power.
Family: None