Glistening Midnight

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Glistening Midnight

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 4'0"

Universe: 25

Classification: Earth Pony, Slave (Formerly)

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: None Notable

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Brooding (Formerly), Meek, Hopeful (Currently)

Background: Growing up in Hera, Midnight spent most of his time enjoying the natural scenery, and avoiding ponies. Most of the ponies he met didn't take kindly to him, often making fun of him for his name, since an elegant two-part name was typically reserved for mares. Other than his parents, the only pony who didn't was his childhood crush Petunia Bellflower. Instead, she was happy to let him take refuge in her garden and watch her work while he listened to her rant on and on about flowers and nature. He developed a crush on her, and didn't even get to say goodbye before he was kidnapped by slavers.

Glistening Midnight was supposedly sold by his own parents as a teenager. Or at least, this is what his captors told him. In reality, the Loyalist Mare's Association had kidnapped and sold him to Petroint slavers in protest of the name his parents gave him since it didn't follow the simple single-word naming convention standard to stallions in Hera.

He moved from place to place and between owners until Cocoa Butter found him in Reticent Manor during an undercover mission, and purchased him, not being able to watch him be sold off. After purposefully blowing their cover, Cocoa Butter and Heretical Herald granted him his freedom and eventually delivered him to Blooming Heart, who returned him to Hera.

Family: Unknown