Basic Information
Played By: Fine Point
Name: Ion
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Height: 4'2"
Universe: 7
Classification: Unicorn, Lightning Wizard, Dragontooth Member
"You see that mark on her ear? It says she's family. That means you can take her over my dead body.
So if I have to fight the whole government?
Hell... it'll be a damn long week."
"You won't ever be as strong as me if you keep messing around... If you really want to protect people, Blaze, then you have a long ways to go. I'm not always on jobs because I like the money."
Powers and Abilities
Estimated Power Level: 7-C (Town Level)
Simplified Abilities: Lightning Manipulation, Intangibility, Flight, Limited Weather Manipulation
Weaknesses: Earth Magic
Personality and History
Personality: Stoic, Protective
Background: Unknown
Family: Draco Shift (Father), Blazing Bubbles (Little Sister, Adopted), All Guild Members (Siblings, Ceremonial)
List of Known Spells
Passive: Magic or effects which are always active.
Lightning Body: Ion's body is able to selectively convert into ionized matter, becoming a being of electricity himself. He can utilize this to allow physical attacks to pass through him, or to move and fly at lightning-fast speeds.
Living Battery: "A lightning wizard's always got plenty of energy." Ion's body is energized by his magic, instilling him with supernatural stamina. As a result, most spells which affect energy levels will fail, such as those which put ponies to sleep. He's also able to absorb most electricity (so long as it doesn't come from his own magic) to recharge his magical energy.
Normal Mode: Magic useable without any special transformations or conditions.
Lightning Strike: Ion raises his hoof, channeling his magical static energy into the sky and the air. When he lowers it, the charge is released, calling down a fast bolt of lightning upon the target. Ion has control over how much charge is collected, and so the power of this attack is able to be highly variable and precise to suit his needs.
Discharge: Ion releases a burst of energy stored within him into an omnidirectional burst of electrically charged magical arcs which shock nearby enemies in a moderate range.
Chain Circuit: Ion fires a weak bolt of electricity to strike a target. It then arcs to another nearby target, gaining a bit of power each time until it runs out of targets in range. If the arcs are able to find a path to reconnect back to the original target (without turning around), then a circuit will be formed which will shock every target with the full collected power.
God's Needle: Ion channels his intense static energy to summon a category five raging hurricane which then gathers even more static electricity. Once it's gathered, he focuses all of it into the center of the storm, then releases it downward in a tiny needle-like bolt of lightning with the power of the entire storm behind it. This focused, deadly bolt is many times hotter than a star and over a billion volts; it pierces through nearly anything like a hot needle through butter, and in almost an instant.
Finale Spells: Magic which consumes all/most of a wizard's currently useable magic.
Wild Discharge: A finale version of Discharge, Ion lets the chaotic static energy within him go wild, releasing all of his stored magical energy in an omnidirectional blast of electrically charged magic. The power of the spell naturally depends on how much energy Ion has left stored within him, but its effects can generally be compared to an atomic bomb. After using this spell, he has to sleep for at least 24 hours before he's able to move again, and his Lightning Body will be disabled during that time.