Mint Easter

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Mint Easter

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Height: 4'0"

Universe: 25

Classification: Earth Pony, Reticent Co. Agent, Slaver

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: Social Influencing, Weapon Mastery

Standard Equipment: Pistol, Earpiece

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Nonchalant, Apathetic, Upbeat

Background: Mint Easter is an agent for the security division of Reticent Co.. On the streets, they're known as "spooks", the ponies in black suits that knock on people's doors in dead of the night, and then those people are never heard from again.

Family: Unknown