James Pearce

Basic Information

Played (And Owned) By: Mercy [Discord ID: 230136531556237312]

Name: James "Jay" Pearce

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: 6'1"

Universe: 100

Classification: Silver Class Hero

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 10-B (Human Level)

Simplified Abilities: Limited Reality Warping (Via Camera)

Standard Equipment: Polaroid Camera

Weaknesses: Use of Powers Drains his Own Life Force

Personality and History

Personality: Curious, Reserved

Background: James found at a young age the strange ability to warp reality on a small scale by manipulating recent photographs at the expense of his own life-energy. Pressured by his mother since he was a child, he's finally decided it's time to join the Enforcement League. After joining, he quickly discovers that being a hero was far more grim than on TV.

Family: Unknown