Slurpee Slush
Basic Information
Basic Information
Played By: Fine Point
Name: Slurpee Slush
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Height: 4'0"
Universe: 25
Classification: Drink Pony, Earth Pony, Loyalist Mares Association Leader
Powers and Abilities
Powers and Abilities
Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)
Simplified Abilities: None Notable
Weaknesses: Hot Temperatures
Personality and History
Personality and History
Personality: Sophisticated, Plotting, Misandrist
Background: Slurpee is a rare breed of ponies referred to as "Drink Ponies". Their anatomy is strange, and largely a mystery. In her case, her skin is slightly transparent, and her body is full of blue slushee. She was one of the first politicians and worshippers of Blooming Heart, who now leads the Loyalist Mare Assocation as well as the Church of Bloom and the Cuddly Diner.
Family: Fry (Husband)