
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724 

Name: Quinzel

Gender: Female

Age: 60

Height: 4'0" 

Universe: 25

Classification: Unicorn, Tribal

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level) Physically, up to 9-B (Wall Level) With Magic

Simplified Abilities: Magic, Telekinesis, Weapon Mastery, Acrobatics

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Kind, Depressed, Sensual

Background: Quinzel was a member of the Dilectio tribe in Arbi, a once-thriving tribe of ponies which was defeated by Zamaradi and his tribe. As per tradition, the mares of Quinzel's tribe were taken prisoner to be later ransomed. However, Zamaradi found himself growing fond of Quinzel, and refused to return her to her tribe despite the long-held tradition. She gave birth to a daughter, which Zamaradi, the father, named Mapenzi. She raised her daughter to adulthood, at which point she was allegedly exiled by Zamaradi for "raising their daughter to be weak." However, it was later revealed that the real reason she was exiled was for attempting to murder her daughter, blaming her for ruining her life and keeping her on the compound, and because years of suffering under her father had made her resent seeing her daughter.

She cried for two days, and was left to wander. She tried to return to her old tribe, but found that it had been burned down and conquered by the Ebanese Empire, then its members were sold off as slaves to Petroint.

Family: Marielle Quinn (Daughter), Zamaradi (Mate, Former)