
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point

Name: Lista


Gender: Female

Age: 63 Chronologically, 25 Biologically

Height: 4'0"

Universe: 25

Classification: Piscaquus

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-B (Wall Level) Physically

Simplified Abilities: None Notable

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Optimistic, Tempered

Background: Lista's background is mostly unknown, but she's apparently one of Zheng He's regular groupies. She was recently summoned for the sake of a short gag, which she didn't seem to mind, but then joined Ceo's side after Zheng was captured after removing his Reality Matrix Interface. Or, at least, she appeared to, until she betrayed Ceo by joining in on Lavender's attempt to accuse Ceo of inappropriate activity with minors, despite these claims being baseless.

Family: Unknown