Equa Timeline

13.8billion OG: Anu shapes the universe, then creates Albundir and Alhukm as his* children who create all life. 

12.4billion OG: The young gods sabotage eachother's creations, and wage the first war between them. After the destruction they wander the universe looking for suitable hosts. 

1 NG: Blooming Heart becomes the host of Alhukm, and Zheng He becomes the host of Albundir. Bloom and Zheng were best friends at this time. 

~300 NG: Zheng He evicts Albundir from his body, and Blooming Heart follows his lead, evicting Alhukm. They take on the mantle of the "New Gods". Poetically, Zheng He and Blooming Heart have a falling out, and no longer consider themselves friends. 

3000 NG: Blooming Heart gives birth to a child she names Rose, then abandons her at Reticent Orphanage. 

3012 NG: The experiments at Reticent Orphanage leaves Rose both infertile and incapable of expressing real emotion. 

3016 NG: Rose stages a coup at Reticent Orphanage, and takes on the name "Reticent" as her new identity. 

3018 NG: Reticent leaves the orphanage to pursue a career in politics and business. 

3024 NG: After Reticent's unique ability to perfectly fake emotion allows her to quickly rise the ranks of a successful company, she murders the old CEO and becomes the new one, rebranding as the Reticent Corporation. 

3027 NG: Reticent discovers she is infertile, and is thrown into a mental break, as being a mother was always her childhood wish. Fine Point is born. 

3029 NG: Reticent starts a slave-ring, taking many personal slaves. She rebrands Reticent Orphanage as Reticent Manor, using it as the headquarters for the operation. She forces her personal slaves to call her their mother. 

3034 NG: Reticent becomes the first trillionaire, and by this point controls most of the government. 

3037 NG: Fine Point's parents are murdered by Tectonic Shake's parents. Fine Point's power is awakened, and he violently avenges his parent's deaths. After wandering aimlessly for a while, he is found by Reticent and enslaved. 

3043 NG: Fine Point uses his natural mastery of magic to stage a coup in Reticent Manor, purely because he refused to call Reticent his mother. He agrees to spare Reticent's life in exchange for being her second-in-command rather than a slave. He swiftly crushes the rebellion he started. 

3048 NG: Present Day. 

*All four of the original Gods are technically genderless.