
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Windflower

Gender: Female

Age: 18 (Biologically), 25 (Chronologically)

Height: 4'0"

Universe: 25

Classification: Party-Girl, Unicorn

Quote: "I'm... Windflower. I'm also a party-girl... but I'm not very good."

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: None Notable

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Shy, Unconfident

Background: Brought to Equa by Zheng for the sake of a joke, she was not given a way home, and has therefore been forced to accompany Herald's group. However, after spending time with them, she grew to like them, and eventually considered them friends worth protecting.

Windflower is a Party-Girl, a creed of interstellar sex-workers which charge no fee. Instead, they're paid by the Great Succubus of the Void after delivering "love energy".

When the Party-Girls were first established, they were controversial and a subject of skepticism. People believed it was too good to be true, or they didn't trust the Great Succubus, or even didn't trust the party-girls. However, the benefits quickly overpowered the fear.

Everyone benefited: the Great Succubus gained more than enough life-force to sustain her power. The Party-Girls gained a generous source of income, and the freedom to work on their own terms and as much or as little as they saw fit. The benefit for clients was obvious.

The Space Council considered doing something about it, but chose not to for a few reasons. First, the Great Succubus started to gain so much love energy after the movement got traction that it couldn't consume it all itself, and so it started selling the excess energy as power for developed nations. The trade became so profitable that it was now sustainable, and the Great Succubus was able to cease all of the less moral methods it used prior to receive SpaceCoin.

Second, the Council noted a drastic decrease in the success of sex-trafficking operations. With access to free enthusiastic sex-workers, the black market value of sex-work decreased dramatically, eventually becoming almost obsolete.

Third... the Council also used the service. Overtime the Party-Girls established themselves as a staple of adult parties across the galaxy and the first choice for lonely spacefaring travelers. Overall, their presence has powered nations, boosted galactic morale, and reduced sex-related crime. Eventually, even the stigma was removed, and now Party-Girls exist as a universal service protected by the Galactic Trade Commission and revered for their importance.

Family: Unknown