
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Alhukm, Al, the Obsidian Lion, Al-Asad Al-Obsidian


Gender: Varies, Typically Presents Masculine (He Pronouns)

Age: At Least 13.8 Billion

Height: Varies, 6'4" With Favorite Form

Universe: 1

Classification: Old God of Power and Purpose (Currently), God of Order (Formerly)

Alhukm could manifest as any avatar he desired.

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 2-C (Low Multiverse Level)

Simplified Abilities: Reality Warping, Incorporeality, Immortality (Types 1, 4), Regeneration (Low-Godly)

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Aloof, Purposeful

Background: At the beginning of time, there existed only Anu. From Anu came two children: Albundir and Alhukm, born from Anu's desire to feel love. Albundir was the god of Pleasure and Knowledge, while Alhukm was the god of Power and Purpose. From there, Anu created all of the universe. Albundir created men, and Alhukm created women both in their images. They were spiteful gods, and sabotaged each other's creations, putting a bit of their own essence into each opposing creation. This sparked a massive war between between the gods and their creations. They've not talked to each other, or their parent ever since.

After this event, called the "Separation", Alhukm searched the universe for a fitting host to carry out his will. First, he had chosen Berry Heart, but a long time after her betrayal chose Blooming Heart instead. Blooming Heart also betrayed him, stealing much of his power. His current status is unknown.

Heretical Herald learned of a different version of Alhukm's story when he visited TGSOTV: one where the God instead was referred to as the Obsidian Lion, and their sibling the Clockwork Butterfly. The story claims that the Lion received mortals as a gift from their sibling, but unable to appreciate the gift as it was, they tried in vain to 'fix' it, eventually rejecting the gift entirely in frustration.

Family: Anu (Parent), Albundir (Sibling), The Great Succubus of the Void (Pibling)