Coca Powder

Basic Information

Played By: QueenCripple [Discord ID: 516363822131576852]

Name: Coca Powder

Gender: Male

Age: 27 (Upon Death)

Height: 4'2"

Universe: 25

Classification: Unicorn, Drug Dealer

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: Camouflage, Social Influencing

Weaknesses: Camouflage can be seen through if focused on.

Personality and History

Personality: Extremely Greedy

Background: Abandoned for his albinism, he experienced a lot of bullying about his strange appearance, getting called all sorts of things. This led him to decide to dress in even more unique ways and call attention to himself, while simultaneously starting to abuse substances.

At this point he started going by Coca, as a wink and a nod to the substance he used to cope with life, and then become wealthy from. He gained a superiority complex and became extremely vain later in life. He started to develop the idea to attempt to undermine Reticent's hold on the city-state of Petroint, and moved in with his bookkeeper, Marielle.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, Coca was killed and devoured by Umo, after disagreements with Marielle's new crew and some choice racist words escaped his lips.

Family: Cinnamon Powder (Father), Cocoa Powder (Mother, disowned him for albinism, kept his brother)