Chili Spice

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Chili Spice, "The Zebra King"

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Height: 4'1"

Universe: 25

Classification: Unicorn, Slaver, Honorary Zebra

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-B (Wall Level) Physically, up to 9-A (Small Building Level) With Magic

Simplified Abilities: Magic

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Cynical, Neurotic, Speciest

Background: Chili was raised by zebras in the jungles south of Arbi from a young age, after escaping an illegal griffin caravan which bred ponies for food. His adoptive father beat him regularly, but used him as bait to lure in ponies for the zebra-run slave-trade. Altogether, his upbringing made him extremely cynical, and removed most of his empathy. He was taught to solve conflicts with violence, and to look down upon anyone not as strong as him. The only upside was that the zebras were well-versed in magic, which allowed him to pick up on the skill and become a rather powerful unicorn.

He was regarded as inferior to the zebra in his community, like all ponies. That is until he grew strong enough to kill his own father, which according to zebra law allowed him to take his place in the family, including his position in the slave-trade. Over the next decade or so, he gained more and more respect from the zebras, until finally he was awarded with the ceremonial title of "honorary zebra" and position of ceremonial "Zebra King". He took it to heart, and even adopted their ideology of zebra supremacy.

Eventually, he was contacted by Reticent, who offered him and his tribe extremely abundant quantities of gold. The zebra were confused why a pony would want to buy pony slaves, and in the past had rejected such offers, thinking they were a trick. However, with Chili now at the helm, he could relate to Reticent. After all, if he as a pony could have pony slaves, then perhaps others could be like him too.

Chili accepted the deal, and began selling massive quantities of slaves to the Eban in Arbi, who then shipped them to Equa. Overall, this not only profited all three factions, but also improved their relationships.

Family: All Deceased