Heretical Herald

Basic Information

Played (And Owned) By: Based Department Executive [Discord ID: 354139946547806213]

Name: Heretical Herald (Currently), Hazání (Formerly)

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 4'2

Universe: 25

Classification: Earth Pony, Abomination

Cloaked Herald at the start of his journey.

Herald at the start of his journey.

Powers and Abilities

Keys: Base Herald | Post-Salva Arc

Estimated Power Level: 9-B (Wall Level) Physically, up to High 8-C (Large Building Level) With Preparation and Rituals

Simplified Abilities: Dark Magic (Via Items and Rituals), Natural Weaponry, Weapon Mastery, Longevity | All Previous plus Enhanced Senses (Thermal Vision) 

Standard Equipment: Heretic's Blade (A Hooked Sword), Cloak of Charisu (A Cloak Which Can Conceal His Face and Items), Albundir's Compendium (A Book of Old God Rituals, Artifacts, and Schematics, as well as old records written by Zheng He), Gravity Hammer of Apocalypse (Can Change Gravity in a Localized Area), Shield Orb (Creates Forcefields), Assault Rifle

Weaknesses: Smells Like Magic

Personality and History

Personality: Witty, Power-Craving, Foolhardy | Determined, Resentful, Cynical

Background: A follower of Albundir as the old God of Chaos, he seeks to gather her artifacts as use them to grow powerful. He destroyed Scorching Sands's colony in Salva using knowledge from Albundir's Almanac. After he was captured and tortured by Fine Point, his resolve to grow more powerful strengthened as he didn't ever want to feel that helpless again, he lost an eye in the process, replaced later with a glass eye.

However, after a bloody mission in Reticent Manor he ended up forgiving Fine Point, seeing that he was just another victim of Reticent's manipulated into his position. Upon helping Cocoa Butter fix her ship, he and his group now consisting of Midnight, Lavender, Windflower, Cocoa Butter, and Sam returned to Salva for a final stand-off with Harum. He lost one of his front legs in this fight which ultimately ended in a decisive defeat as Scorching Sands began bombing the island in revenge.

The situation was salvaged when Blooming Heart arrived, destroying every Eban ship and taking Midnight back home. With the ship now repaired, Herald joins the remaining members of his group into. After a quick trip for ice-cream which ended in a nasty fight with the GEC, Cocoa took him to an old friend who replaced his missing parts with a titanium claw and a bionic eye with thermal vision and zoom! However, after a heated drunk encounter, he left alone onto the street, where he would have a fateful encounter with Zheng He.

Family: Unknown