
Basic Information

Played By: Mercy [Discord ID: 230136531556237312]

Name: Fiala (Currently), Azar (Formerly)

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Height: 6'10"

Universe: 1.368

Classification: Heyvat (wolf), Courier

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-B (Wall Level)

Simplified Abilities: Stealth Mastery, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Healing (Natural Medicines)

Standard Equipment: Cloak, Cloth Clothes, Backpack, Letters, and Packages

Weaknesses: Nightmares, Fears of Fighting

Personality and History

Personality: Optimistic, Kind, Dedicated, Troubled

Background: Fiala was born as Azar of the Black Wolves, the runt son of an abusive father in a patriarchal tribe focused on war. In spite of his smaller size, Azar became an incredibly skilled fighter, besting his brothers and even the biggest males of his tribe, except for his father. Naturally, Azar went on to join the heyvat's everlasting war with humans. He became infamous among both heyvat and human, acting as a brutal spy, ranger, and interrogator. However, Azar suddenly disappeared one day.


Years later, Fiala of the Forest, not of a tribe, not of the heyvat's Alhukm, but of nature, started to make herself known in the black markets as a skilled and dedicated courier, taking jobs for both humans and heyvat, seeking comfort in isolation, and trying to find happiness.

Family: All Abandoned