The Great Succubus of the Void

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: The Great Succubus of the Void, The Great Succubus, The Void, "TGS", "T.G.S.O.T.V.", La Shay

Gender: None (It Pronouns)

Age: At Least 13.8 Billion

Height: Nonexistent, Illusions Vary

Universe: 1

Classification: Old God of Nothing

T.G.S.O.T.V. does not exist, and thus has no form. However, it can cast illusory avatars.

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 2-A (Multiverse Level+)

Simplified Abilities: Existence Erasure, Nonexistent Physiology (Type 1, Aspect 1), Immortality (Type 5), Regeneration (Mid-Godly), Illusion Creation, Mind Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation

Weaknesses: Influence and Power Limited by "Love Energy"

Personality and History

Personality: Seductive, Selfish

Background: At the beginning of time, there existed only Anu. That's certainly the story, and it's actually true. However, when dealing with the gods, fickle concepts like existence are often only part of the story. Where Anu was "everything", the Great Succubus was then "nothing", conceptual siblings.

Nameless and formless, TGS was first called by the mortals simply "God of Nothing". However, TGS soon gained a new name: "The Great Succubus of the Void". This was because TGS would often tempt and seduce mortals to feed off their "love energy". Love isn't energy, but rather a intangible figurative connection, and thus "love energy" does not exist despite its strength: the perfect food for the God of Nothing.

The greater its concentration of love energy, the greater its influence and power in the existing world. At its peak, the Great Succubus may "claim" aspects of existence, pulling them into itself, and functionally deleting them from existence, since TGS does not exist. At the minimum, it can project illusions and manipulations into the minds of mortals to seduce them or extract their love energy.

Historically, TGS was an entity feared: since its tactics for obtaining love energy were often morally questionable at best. However, in relatively recent times, the emergence of the Party-Girls has led to a change in TGS's image, and the way it operates. Read about the Party-Girls by reading either Lavender or Windflower.

The Party-Girls produced so much love energy, that TGS overfilled. The overflowed energy actually converted into antimatter and was released into the world, which TGS then sold to space-faring nations, thus making the exchange of "love energy" directly into antimatter (and thus regular energy) a profitable reality. It's now believed that TGS was the original source of antimatter in the universe, though it's unknown where enough love energy came from back then.

The facilitation of business is conducted by TGS followers, who take orders when TGS implants illusions and thoughts directly into their minds.

Family: Anu (Sibling), Albundir (Nibling), Alhukm (Nibling)