Blueberry He

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Blueberry He

Gender: Female

Age: 48

Height: 4'0"

Universe: 25

Classification: Unicorn

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: Magic

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Hopeful

Background: Claims that Zheng He was a spacepony who came to Equa in a flying saucer, and that he didn't plan on staying long until he and her fell in love. They even got married and had Nora before Zheng He had to leave. She would never talk about why. Nopony believed her story, and eventually she lost custody of Nora and was sent to the Petroint Asylum.

Family: Zheng He (Husband, Separated), Nora (Daughter, Separated), Blush (Sister)