
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Fry

Gender: Male

Age: 53

Height: 4'1"

Universe: 25

Classification: Unicorn

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: Magic

Weaknesses: Internalized Sexism

Personality and History

Personality: Obedient, Proper

Background: Another rare example of an educated stallion with a cutie mark, Fry is even capable of magic. He has internalized the sexist policies of Hera, and was allowed to learn magic at special request of his wife, who had leverage from owning the Loyalist Mares Association. He exclusively uses his magic to serve his wife, and earned his cutie mark through his culinary skill which he uses to treat her to delicious meals.

Family: Slurpee Slush (Wife)