Basic Information
Basic Information
Played By: Fine Point
Name: Bzlxtrx "Beatrix"
Gender: Female
Age: 649
Height: 8'3"
Universe: 100
Classification: Diamond Class Hero #2, PmzOsian
Powers and Abilities
Powers and Abilities
Estimated Power Level: High 6-A (Multi-Continent Level)
Simplified Abilities: True Flight, Energy Projection, Enhanced Senses, Longevity
Weaknesses: None Notable
Personality and History
Personality and History
Personality: Intimidating, Short-Tempered, Arrogant, Naïve
Background: Bzlxtrx was born on a distant planet called PmzOs before it was destroyed in the Mechanoid Wars. As part of her race's rejuvenation efforts, she was sent as a diplomat to Earth to establish connection with its portion of the galaxy and protect/groom it for future commerce.
Family: Unknown