
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point

Name: Alex

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Height: 6'2"

Universe: 1

Classification: Messenger Angel, Purple Collar

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: High 6-A (Multi Continent Level)

Simplified Abilities: Energy Projection, Flight, Teleportation, Dimensional Travel

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Dramatic, Thinks Mortals Are Adorable

Background: Gabriel was the next one chosen to be the Messenger Angel. It's a heavy title, which holds not only great power, but moderate responsibility, such as not destroying the messages. While delivering to a high-tech universe, Gabriel discovered the slave Alex. Not being able to stand the sad look on their face, Gabriel rescued them from their cruel master, who was supposed to receive the message. Not knowing where to go from here, Gabriel was thankfully approached by a diplomat from Vanity, who offered him refuge there in return for his services.

Family: Unknown