
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Malik, Shadow Boy, Kyle


Gender: Male

Age: 76 Chronologically, 18 Biologically

Height: 5'7

Universe: 48

Classification: God-Emperor

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: Variable, up to 2-C (Low Multiverse Level)

Simplified Abilities: True Flight, Energy Projection, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Electromatter Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Eternal Youth, Self-Sustenance 

Weaknesses: His Power is Dependent on His Negative Emotions

Personality and History

Personality: Cynical, Indifferent, Arrogant, Values Power and History

Background: At ten, his planet was ravaged and completely taken over by the Accursed Virus, of which he was strangely immune. Later he discovered he had immense powers relating to electromatter, and at 18 he had stopped aging. He's since settled on ruling a solar-system as a god-emperor. 

He believed that the war between Johnson and the Accursed would resolve itself, and lead to a synthesis of society. With knowledge from Apollo, the Terrorist convinced him that if the Virus won that it would disappear, leaving the universe empty. Reluctantly, he agreed to help in the rebellion.

He also revealed that he was in fact the Terrorist's father. After Audrey, the Terrorist's mother was forced to give him up to the Operative Initiative, she crawled all the way to Solitude. She begged Malik to save her son and put the end to the cruel system which stole her son from her. She died shortly after from her wounds. Malik felt bad for her, and so he travelled back in time and created a causal loop which placed him as William's father, setting in motion the events which would lead to the Terrorist's rebellion.

However, after confronting Johnson, Malik was hit by his secret weapon which threatened to kill him. In a last-ditch effort, Malik managed to open a wormhole which trapped him, Angel, and The Terrorist in Equa, arriving in Petroint.

Family: The Terrorist (Son)