Dragontooth Magic Guide

This page is in-progress, and nothing here is 100% confirmed canon for now, and is subject to change.

Magical Elements

Every wizard's magic manifests in a special way. There's many theories related to the exact way it manifests, the most popular ones seem to believe it manifests based on the wizard's personality, goals, and experiences. New elements are discovered sometimes, but many have already been documented extensively. Each elemental magic has its own strengths, and its own weaknesses. Building a successful guild or team will require combining these strengths in ways that cover each other's weaknesses. In general, a wizard's magic manifests under one or two 'elements', which can range from simple things like Fire or Water up to more obscure or more specific things like Beach or Vacuum, all with their own unique list of spells. Similar to Keywords, elements are always capitalized. For example, is Blaze is not a fire wizard who uses fire magic- instead Blaze is a Fire Wizard who uses Fire Magic.

To see a list of spells, or examples of spells, see the characters which wield that magic type. It's still in progress, but their known spells will all eventually be listed on their profiles.


A wizard is anybody who is able to manipulate magic reliably into spells. While every living creature depends on magic to live, since it's part of their soul, wizards are especially magical. They have two pools of magical power: an Active Pool and a Passive Pool. Their Active Pool is what they use to cast most spells, and recharges at a constant rate. If it's completely depleted, however, it will enter a long cooldown period before it recharges again. The Active Pool is instantly emptied if a wizard uses a Finale Spell or is Defeated. The Passive Pool powers a wizard's passives, as well as their life-force- if it were emptied, the wizard not only couldn't cast spells, but they couldn't survive.


Chanting is the act of speaking aloud the name of a spell as it's cast. For most spells, this is an essential part of casting it at full power, and most spells cast without a chant will either fail completely or cast at very low power. The exception to this are Quickspells, which are spells that can be cast at full power without chanting. Whether the chant needs to be whispered, spoken normally, or shouted at the top of one's lungs will largely be determined by the nature of the spell and the personality of the wizard. Not only is this a classic anime trope, but it serves a balancing purpose as well: as a result, any spell which requires chanting will be inhibited by anything which prevents a wizard from speaking normally, and their 'charge-up' time will be longer as a result as well- and this is the reason more powerful spells tend to have longer names as well.


In classic fashion, different elements are weaker or stronger against other elements. For example, a Fire attack is less effective against a Water Wizard. Whether weak or resistant to a magical type, the wording will be the same depending on the degree. Resistance/Weakness will apply a fourfold difference, and "Extreme Resistance/Weakness" will apply a sixteenfold difference, and this multiplier will affect every aspect of the spell, not just its raw power, but the intensity of any effects, and their duration as well. Below is a chart:

Extremely Weak - 16x Effects

Weak - 4x Effects

Resistant - 1/4x Effects

Extremely Resistant - 1/16x Effects

Immune - 0x Effects

In theory, this means that if a wizard is immune to an element, that the spell should have absolutely no effect on them at all, since both its potency and any effects and their durations will all be reduced to zero. However, there is a natural limitation to this: any spell which is at least 100x stronger than the maximum output of the immune wizard will instead affect them with only a 1/100x multiplier. Immunity calculation is applied after all others, meaning this 100x difference can be reached with the help of other multipliers. Multiple layers of immunity stack additively, so two layers would need a 200x difference for 1/200x, and three would need a 300x difference for 1/300x, and so on.

Resistance/Weakness can also come from Passives or other circumstances or spells, and if multiple conflicting or stacking multipliers exist, they are multiplied against each other. For example, if one is both weak and resistant to something, the 1/4x and 4x will cancel out leading to normal effectiveness. If they're extremely weak but also resistant, it'll multiply to a 1/4x weakness instead. If they have two layers of resistance, three layers of weakness, one layer of extreme weakness, and two layers of extreme resistance, you'd do 1/4x1/4x4x4x4x16x1/16x1/16 for a total of 1/4x effectiveness.

Spell Types

Spells can all be categorized into different types which relate to how/when they can be used, and how they interact with each other and different effects.


Keywords are any words or phrases used in the description of spells and/or their effects which have a specific meaning in addition to their general meaning, which may impact exactly how they interact with other spells and/or effects. Outside of context and this list, one can tell something is a Keyword if it is always capitalized, despite not needing to be.