Marielle Quinn

Basic Information

Played By: QueenCripple [Discord ID: 516363822131576852] 

Name: Marielle Quinn (Chosen), Mapenzi Unyoya (Given)

Gender: Female

Age: 42

Height: 4'0" 

Universe: 25

Classification: Horned Zony, Business Pony, Syndicate General

Marielle while channeling magic.

Marielle's post-Petroint appearance.

Marielle's pre-Petroint appearance.

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: Camouflage, Social Influencing

Weaknesses: Camouflage can be seen through if focused on.

Personality and History

Personality: Obsessive Personality, hybristophile. Kind, upbeat, friendly, helpful, and compassionate, but also a bit scatterbrained.

Background: A seemingly upstanding business-pony, she actually runs a cover operation and uses her abilities to keep suspicion at bay, primarily social manipulation. She dresses like a modest older woman might be expected to and publicly acts almost prudish, but she is actually a hybristophile and has a dark, obsessive side. 

Since arriving in Petroint, she witnessed some of the criminal activity of Fine Point, and the side of herself she tries to soothe by working for criminals was no longer sated. Her obsessive personality started to fracture her focus, and she now must work to balance running an illegal front by day, and stalking Fine Point by night.

She does not discuss her parentage, and she gets very upset if people call her by her former name instead of Marielle Quinn. She keeps her mark covered as it is the same mark as her despised father. 

After a fateful encounter with Tipsy, she not only avoided an unfortunate fate, but managed to get a new dug-running crew in the form of herself, Tipsy Tot, Jung Sun, Umo, and Mark Sharp. Each of them is deplorable scum, but that never bothered her before. 

Not being as under-the-radar as she thought, Marielle had visits from Mint and Fine Point. Her team was brutalized, and tasked with giving Reticent a large sum of money- $100,000 in just two weeks if she wants to continue doing business in Petroint, and perhaps even if she wants to keep her life. The operation so far is going well, and she even managed to secure Sapphire's help as a medic in exchange for helping her find an artifact, and she plans on hiring Starburst as well- befriending her, ironically, after Starburst stole her wallet and she had to fight to get it back.

In a dream, after unlocking locked away memories from casting a spell above her level, Albundir showed Marielle some traumatic memories which she had suppressed. They revealed that her mother was actually exiled because she tried to kill Marielle as a teenager, blaming her daughter for ruining her life.

Family: Zamaradi (Father), Quinzel (Mother), Umo (Casual Mate, Bodyguard)