Jung Sun

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Jung Sun

[June Soon]

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Height: 4'4

Universe: 25

Classification: Griffin, Kidnapper, Syndicate Lieutenant

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-C (Street Level)

Simplified Abilities: Natural Weaponry, Flight

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Short-Tempered, but otherwise Facetiously Friendly and Honest

Background: Jung Sun, in short, employs himself in the business of kidnapping people to ransom them out to their loved ones. A truly despicable business, but by its nature, it demands that he follow through and return people once their ransom is paid if he wants to stay in business, otherwise they would stop paying. In this sense, he's been considered, in light of the darkness of Petroint, an "honest kidnapper." 

He grew up in Arbi, where he gained experience in ransoming prisoners. Prisoners of war were a common occurrence during tribal warfare, and if a leader was captured then tribes would pay high ransomed to have them returned. 

He had targeted Marielle as his next victim, but due to intervention from Tipsy, he instead ended up joining her drug operation. Prejudice, sexism, and deep-rooted exclusionist culture run deep in Griffin, Eban, Zebra and other Arbi-based circles in Petroint, as well as in Arbi itself. Jung Sun's going to be vital for smooth negotiations as a result. As a bonus, he's a capable fighter, thanks to his natural griffin strength and experience. Most important of all though, is his years of experience in negotiating and ransoming with wealthy people, and managing financing, making him a perfect fit for the group's personal accountant.  

Family: Unknown