
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Zamaradi Unyoya


Gender: Male

Age: 72

Height: 4'4

Universe: 25

Classification: Zebra, Emerald Baron, Chieftain, Syndicate President

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 9-B (Wall Level) Physically, up to 9-A (Small Building Level) With Magic

Simplified Abilities: Hypnosis, Explosion Manipulation, Forcefields, Weapon Creation

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Controlling, Narcissistic, Greedy, Unempathetic

Background: Zamaradi is the chieftain of the Watoto wa Mapango tribe of zebras in Arbi. He's also an extremely wealthy and powerful emerald baron who made his fortune via forced labor in his expansive and dangerous emerald mines. He typically forces griffins and ponies into labor when they're very young, and works them to literal death. He's become infamous as a notorious crime lord, and has even expanded his business into the sale of cocaine, a business he charged his daughter with spreading to Petroint. His tribe is known for its brutality, and their tendency to conquer weaker tribes. However, his tribe has moved beyond hunting and gathering, and is starting to industrialize with support from the Ebanese Empire. Remaining tribal nations view him as an existential threat to their way of life, and he's bastardized much of the traditional Zebranese culture in his pursuit of riches and influence. 

Although he showers his daughter in privilege and wealth, he's cruel to her, and pushes her extremely hard to follow in his hoof steps, only offering even the smallest praise if she impresses him. Marielle's mother was a prisoner of war whom he had grown fond of. Rather than ransom her back to her tribe per tradition, he kept her to raise his child, and then exiled her once their daughter was old enough to be independent. He claimed it was because her mother was raising her to be weak. Marielle has resented him ever since, yet still, deep inside, she wants to make him proud.

Family: Marielle Quinn (Daughter), Quinzel (Mate, Former)