
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Johnson

Gender: Male

Age: 348

Height: 5'9"

Universe: 48

Classification: Chairman, CEO, Military Dictator

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 10-C (Below Average Human Level) Physically, 5-C (Moon Level) With Suit

Simplified Abilities: Extraordinary Genius Intelligence

Standard Equipment: Virtual Emitter (Existence Erasure), Electromatter-Control Suit (True Flight, Energy Projection, Electromatter Manipulation, Telekinesis)

Weaknesses: Old Age

Personality and History

Personality: Plotting, Crafty, Imperialistic, Controlling, Power-Hungry, Arrogant

Background: Johnson grew up on Earth 248 years ago. He was a prodigal genius, and obtained four doctorates. One in aerospace engineering, one in military science, one in business, and one in computer science. He founded Johnson Corp in his late forties, and earned a fortune on his innovative technologies.

He would progress humanity up until his sixties, where he would perfect interstellar space-travel. At this point, he was both the richest and smartest man alive. He makes first contact with alien life at 65, and convinces the world they're an existential threat. He contracts with the military, and creates spaceships and soldiers capable of spacefaring combat.

At 70, he discovers electromatter in deep space, he realizes its unlimited potential and keeps the discovery a secret. He kills anyone who knows, and deletes all records of the discovery. He uses his newly invented electromatter technology to create an army of robotic soldiers, each one powerful enough to single-handedly destroy a nation.

At 75, his robotic army is complete, fully self-sufficient, and self-replicating. An electromatter explosion occurs at once in every government capital and military headquarters in the world, reducing them to craters. An announcement is made to the Earth's population that Johnson is their new totalitarian dictator, and Johnson Corp is renamed to Johnson Corps. Any opposition is obliterated with effort.

At 80, all of Humanity is under his control. He begins to colonize the galaxy, committing genocide on every intelligent alien race he can find.

92 years later he's succeeded in wiping out all intelligent alien life from the galaxy. Dissent has dramatically as every Johnson Corps. citizen is afforded all their needs for nothing more than a mandatory ten year military service period from 18-28. In exchange, a vast majority of the galaxy, under Johnson control but not "citizens", is oppressed and exploited by the military. This practice is censored from the media.

At the edge of the galaxy, he finds a lone planet with no star system, inhabited by the iLah. Experimenting on them leads to Apollo's death, who creates the Accursed Virus in retribution.

Over the next 176 years, the Virus pushes Johnson Corps. back and infects over half the galaxy, which halts all research into intergalactic travel. Just as Johnson Corps. is starting to get the upper hand again, the Terrorist starts his rebellion, and even Johnson's life-prolonging technology is starting to fail at his extreme age.

Just in time, he invents the Virtual Emitter, a weapon so strong it forces Malik to retreat, causing him, Angel, and the Terrorist to be trapped in Pashen, specifically in Vanity. In addition he finally discovered the secret to truly controlling electromatter, and invents his Electromatter-Control Suit.

His current status is unknown.

Family: All Deceased