
Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Apollo

Gender: Male

Age: 12 (Upon Death)

Height: 0'0"6'''

Universe: 48

Classification: iLah

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 10-C (Below Average Human Level) Physically, up to 2-B (Multiverse Level) Via Flapping His Wings

Simplified Abilities: Creation, Mind Manipulation

Weaknesses: None Notable

Personality and History

Personality: Naïve, Friendly, Short-Sighted

Background: At the beginning of time, there was only a single planet floating in the Void consisting of beetle-like creatures known as the iLah.

It is from their love for life that they gave birth to the thousands of universes and everything within them. Apollo was the first iLah to actually communicate with some of the life his species created.

Upon being experimented on by Johnson Corps., Apollo determined that humanity was wicked, and in a last vengeful act before death, utilized his power to create the Accursed Virus, designed to cleanse the universe of "bad humans".

176 years later, the Terrorist contacts Apollo's spirit through an ancient remnant containing the original Virus. After a conversation, Apollo realizes his mistake, and recognizes that not all of humanity is evil. He grants the Terrorist the power to tap into and control the Virus, and explains that the Virus might recede if the ones who experimented on him were killed, namely Johnson.

Family: Unknown