The General

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: The General

Gender: Genderless, Presents Male

Age: 53

Height: 6'1"

Universe: 48

Classification: Android, General of Nova

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 8-C (Building Level)

Simplified Abilities: Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Analytical Prediction

Standard Equipment: Electromatter Grenades, Mk. II Combustion Pistol

Weaknesses: Could be Hacked

Personality and History

Personality: Idealistic

Background: Part of a pet project, Johnson succeeded in creating an AI which could truly be considered sapient. It was not meant to be a permanent creation, since it was harder to control like other robots. The General was to be dismantled, but escaped barely with his life. The General founded Nova, a rebel/bandit group dedicated to toppling Johnson Corps. and freeing the galaxy from its control, while securing its own territory at the same time.

Recently, he was recruited into the Terrorist's own rebel movement after the Terrorist proved he could control the Virus.

Family: Johnson (Creator)