Bryn Solitus

Basic Information

Played By: Bard [Discord ID: 320333380782653440]

Name: Bryn Solitus

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Height: 4'2"

Universe: 7

Classification: Pegasus, Necromancer

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: 8-C (Building Level)

Simplified Abilities: Necromancy, Ice Magic, Fire Magic, Simple Telekinesis

Weaknesses: Low Pain Tolerance, Little Melee Experience, Fire

Personality and History

Personality: Arrogant, Initially Distrusting, Loyal

Background: Born in the vast tundra that is Dyrganddor, Bryn had a troubled home life. It was not uncommon for anyone of his village to get horribly sick, and die days later. However, luckily for him, and unluckily for his family at times, he was always stuck in those books of his, reading on history, and learning how to cast and use magic. Years went by, and still he stayed away from most everyone, learning of the histories of Dahlria, and his home continent of Tyark. Learning how to use magic to create and control Ice, and Fire.

One day, he read about Ravenhold, a nation on the western side of Dahlria, that was ruled by powerful mages. Some had achieved immortality, in a way, something he began to desire. Not too long after learning this, he took a boat to Darkyr, which had a border with Ravenhold. Months of travelling, crossing mountains and hills, all so he could reach the barren wasteland that was Ravenhold. A Lich found him, and upon hearing he wanted to join, took him as his protégé.

This is where he would learn Necromancy. This is also where his story ends in the universe of Aethyrius, as a fellow necromancer was testing a dimensional hopping spell, one he was the subject of.

Family: Naros Solitus (Father, deceased), Thelia Haron (Mother), Tancrede Haron (Step-Father), Sylia Solitus (Sister), Gyria Solitus (Sister, deceased)