Zheng He

Basic Information

Played By: Fine Point#5724

Name: Zheng He

[Zee-hung He]

Gender: Male

Age: At Least 3000

Height: 4'1

Universe: 25

Classification: Earth Pony, Interdimensional Explorer, New God of Knowledge and Pleasure

Powers and Abilities

Estimated Power Level: Varies, up to Low 2-C (Universe Level+)

Simplified Abilities: Supergenius Intelligence, Analytical Prediction, Reality Warping, Social Influencing, Preparation

Weaknesses: Poor Empathy

Personality and History

Personality: Hedonistic, Nihilistic, Non-Committal, Comical, Referential

Background: Born with some ridiculous amount of IQ that isn't even achievable on any test, Zheng He didn't jive well with the primitive Earth Pony tribes he was born into, and so he left, spending his early years with Blooming Heart before the two drifted apart. From there, he made some crazy inventions, and now just wanders around looking for a good time. Oh, and he had a daughter at one point, but he left to get some milk. Former host of Albundir, her favorite to-date. 

Family: Blueberry He (Wife, Abandoned), Nora (Daughter, Abandoned)