Social Credit System

Known Character Rankings

  1. Max - Pink - Unknown

  2. William - Blue - 5,000,000 Credits

  3. Angel - Blue - 1,000,000 Credits

  4. Amethyst Sting - Blue - Unknown

Collar Chart

Vanity's Collar System is a hierarchy based on social credit. Below are the colors in order, and a short description. The number in parenthesis is the magnitude of social credits expected.

Slave Class:

Black (0) - Given to those being severely punished. Black collars are considered expendable, and often find themselves forced into brothels and slave labor camps, if not outright killed by anyone in a bad mood.

Gray (10) - A temporary color given to those being punished for a specific duration for a crime. Usually put in a cell or made to do labor in the meantime.

Working Class:

Red (100) - The starting position for most, they live in work camps as a trial position until they've proven themselves worthy of consideration for citizenship.

Orange (1k) - The most common position, orange collars are often put to work doing manual labor, but are also guaranteed certain basic rights.

Citizen Class:

Green (10k) - The first collar given freedom, they typically spend social credits they saved from their days as an orange class on a simple dwelling, and enter the workforce in an area of their choosing.

Cyan (100k) - Someone who has worked their way up to a high social credit score in the workplace, and is now ready to either become a manager in that position, or to begin their education for even greater things.

Blue (1m) - Blue collars are either educated individuals entering complicated work, or the top level of a profession otherwise. This includes regional managers, scientists, and other high-class individuals.

Royalty Class:

Pink (10m) - In exchange for no chance at becoming royalty themselves (which is immensely rare anyways), a blue collar may swear themselves as a servant to an existing purple collar, becoming a pink collar. They act as extensions of royalty itself, and although they functionally act as slaves for their new master, it is a prestigious position, and often entails living in luxury at small expenses such as delivering tea and cleaning around the manor. The details are case-by-case, and often worked out in the contract signed.

Purple (100m) - Purple collars are royalty, and expected to be treated as such. Most luxuries of life are given to them. They act as government officials in practice, overlooking entire districts or companies, and partake in a vote for changes to serious issues. Promotion to purple requires support from a white collar.

White (1b) - White collars are considered children of Vanity herself, and act as an extension of her authority, managing the sphere itself. They're also expected to be worshipped as living gods, even by royalty. White collars are chosen exclusively by Vanity.