Equa Locations

Name: The Hisan Galaxy

Type: Galaxy

Leader(s): Ceo (Economically)

Population: Varies by Region 

Universe: 25 

Description: The entire galaxy in which much of the Equa (universe) narrative resides.

Name: Alea 

Type: Planet 

Leader(s): None 

Population: Varies by Region 

Universe: 25 

Description: The entire planet on which Equa resides.

Name: Equa 

Type: Continent

 Leader(s): None

 Population: Varies by Region

 Universe: 25

 Description: The massive pony-dominated continent on the planet Alea. 

Name: Petroint 

Type: City-State 

Leader(s): Reticent (CEO of Reticent Co., Shadow Dictator), Sticky Stamps (Puppet Mayor) 

Population: Densely Populated (~4,750/sq mi) 

Universe: 25 

Description: Petroint is the urban super-center of the supercontinent Equa, where technological innovation, industrialization, and capitalism are the strongest. It is also the place where corruption and greed are the most rampant. There is a common idiom: "You can't have squat in Petroint." This is a reference to the fact that crime rates in Petroint are also higher than any other developed nation within Equa. 

Name: Hera 

Type: Country 

Leader(s): Blooming Heart (Goddess-Empress) 

Population: Sparsely Populated 

Universe: 25 

Description: A mostly rural place, full of small towns, local communities, and large farmlands, Hera is a mare-dominated country led by the goddess Blooming Heart. Here, it is taught that stallions are inherently inferior to mares: less intelligent, less capable, and less moral. They're told that their only purpose in life was to please their wives. It was only by a mere 30-29 vote that stallions weren't ruled property. 

Name: Salva 

Type: Island, Country 

Leader(s): Harum (Warlord) 

Population: Varies, Usually Sparsely Populated 

Universe: 25 

Description: South of Hera, pretty far into into the sea is an island about the size of real-world Madagascar. It's almost entirely jungle and savanna, with a range of mountains in its center. It's often called the "Wild Lands" because there's no formal governing body, nor any laws. It's kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, and the strongest tribe wins in Salva. 

Name: Arbi 

Type: Continent 

Leader(s): Venom Spring (King) 

Population: Varies, Densely Populated in Cities 

Universe: 25 

Description: Far south of Equa across the ocean is the desert continent of Arbi. It's largely dominated by the snake-ponies known as the Eban, each of which has unique duplication abilities. It's ruled by a dynasty system which appoints royalty by blood. It's extremely wealthy due to the natural resources in the region, and when the Ebanians aren't conquering new lands, they're participating in mass-trade. 

Name: Frigus Crepito

Type: Space Station, Ice Cream Shop

Leader(s): FlixFlakaLak

Population: Densely Populated

Universe: 25 

Description: One of the most popular and highly regarded ice cream shops in the galaxy! Well, it's Cocoa's favorite, at least.

Name: Pleasure Plaza

Type: Futuristic Metropolitan Afterlife

Leader(s): Albundir (Goddess)

Population: Densely Populated

Universe: 69

Description: Pleasure Plaza, an afterlife metropolis within Albundir's realm, is a vibrant, sprawling city that's alive with radiant lights, ethereal sounds, and an infinite array of experiences. Combining towering skyscrapers, interactive holographic displays, verdant parks, and a harmonious blend of nature and magic-infused technology, it's a city that stirs the soul. The city boasts advanced transportation systems, highly efficient resource management, a seamless ethereal network, and a broad array of personalized AI assistants like PETAL and FLUTTER. An astounding intermingling of technology and magic, the city serves as a paradise for souls from diverse universes, eager to learn, explore, and experience new things in this urban oasis.