Basic Information
Played By: Fine Point
Name: Pong
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 4'4"
Universe: 7
Classification: Dracoquus, Digital Wizard, Dragontooth Member
"My intuition's never wrong! It was fun playing with you, but it's over."
Powers and Abilities
Estimated Power Level: 9-B (Wall Level) Physically, up to 9-A (Small Building Level) with Magic
Simplified Abilities: Instinctive Reaction, Weapon Creation, Data Manipulation, Immersion
Weaknesses: Lightning Magic, Water Magic, Magnet Magic
Personality and History
Personality: Competitive, Geeky
Background: Pong, along with her boyfriend (Ping) are pioneers of a new and barely understood type of wizardry: digital magic. It breaks down reality to series of ones and zeroes, treating it like a game. This can be in the form of created objects, or in the form of the "digital world"- a reality that they can drag themselves as well as opponent into and battle on the terms of a game.
This works great for Pong, who is great at games. In particular, her intuition and reaction times are almost supernatural, allowing her to dominate at games which take quick reactions, precision, and bluffing.
Family: All Guild Members (Siblings, Ceremonial), Draco Shift (Father, Ceremonial), Ping (Boyfriend)
List of Known Spells
Passive: Magic or effects which are always active.
Gamer's Intuition: Pong has incredibly sharp reaction times and intuition, often allowing her to react on instinct almost instantly to attacks or events.
Normal Mode: Magic useable without any special transformations or conditions.
Savvy Sense: Pong channels her power intuition to project a grid upon the battlefield which reveals weakpoints or other things of strategic significance.